I went to bed Sunday night at 11 PM with a blood sugar around 204 and I bolused 1 unit correction.
At midnight my SG was reading 161. Basal was at 0.7 u/hr.
At 100 hours my SG was reading 145.
At 200 hours my SG was reading 132
At 300 hours SG was 137
At 400 hours SG was 177. Basal increased to 0.8 u/hr.
At 500 hours SG was 229
At 600 hours SG was 258. I woke up at 6:10 and bolused 4 units of correction. Felt lousy. At 6:35, tested bg - it was 246.
At 700 hours SG was 247.
At 7:15 I bolused another 2 units.
At 800 hours, SG was 258. Checked bg- 259. Changed sets. Bolused 10.3 units. Realized later I forgot to prime set so probably 2 units of that was in the priming. Basal dropped to 0.2 u/hr
At 900 hours, SG was 222. Ate ~35 grams carb.
At 1000 hours, SG was 222 again.
At 1100 hours SG was 154 dropping rapidly and I was feeling a little woozy. Between 1100 and 1200, I had two lemon head friend gummies, at 10 grams of sugar each.
At 1200 hours SG was 111. At 1230, I had one packet of instant oatmeal (28 g carbs) and bolused 0.8 units.
At 1300 hours SG was 170.
At 1400 hours SG was 132. Realizing that bg was dropping and basal was about to increase, I set a temp basal in order to keep the basal at 0.2 u/hr.
At 1500 hours, SG was 93.
At 1600 hours, SG was 59, and I had another lemon head friends gummy - 10 grams sugar- and started walking home. At 1630, basal increased to 0.425 u/hr
At 1700 hours, SG was 79. At 1715, with SG 87, bg was 111.
At 1800 hours, SG was 93. Bolused 10 units for supper, and ate supper immediately. I had one bowl of brown rice, two bowls of split pea soup, and one bowl of zucchini.
At 1900 hours, SG was 180.
At 2000 hours, SG was 181. Basal increased to 0.6 u/hr.
At 2100 hours, SG was 153.
At 2200 hours, SG was 133. BG was 134. I bolused 0.1 u at 22:50
At 2300 hours SG was 150
And I finished the day with an SG of 123.
4 units at 6:11 and 2 units at 7:15 and 10.3 unis at 8:05