My mother and I did a lot of reading the literature and it does not look like taking ACE inhibitors helps young people without hypertension. I have low normal blood pressure and I'm 20; studies about similar diabetics who have taken ACE inhibitors have shown worse prognoses, microalbumin wise, for those on ACE inhibitors. And I surely do not need the side effects. So for now, I don't think we'll be doing that. We are scheduling a 24 hour urine collection for November 23rd and 24th. The endo is mailing me some information on taking the urine sample, and the lab said any large, clean, dry container will work, as long as I transfer the urine to one of their containers when I bring it to the lab.
Today has been an absolutely horrible blood sugar day. I had to eat and eat to treat hypoglycemia and fell asleep just past midnight. At 4:30, the CGMS woke me with a predicted hypo. I ignored it. At 5:00, it woke me with a predicted hypo, and showed double arrows down. I got up and checked my blood sugar at 78. I dropped below 50 despite eating about 75 carbs, and as soon as the CGMS showed me back in the triple digits, I took Novolog. An hour later I was over 300. I did not treat that. By noon I was back down to 60, which the meter confirmed at 64. I treated the hypo and bounced up around 350. After confirming that (when the CGMS still read read 305, the meter said 278), I took 3 units Novolog. My blood sugar continued to rise, peaked at 350, and then began an extremely rapid descent. As I type this, I am at 222 (oops now it's 204) with double arrows heading down, less than an hour past the 350. I think I took too much Lantus last night, hey? Ugh!
On a somewhat lighter note, the CGMS display shows 40 to 300. If you drop below 40, you don't show up on the graph and beside the graph where the number is, it'll say "below 40". Today was the first time I hit 300 wearing the CGMS (I don't hit 300 often), and what happens is I get a reading at the side, and instead of two pixels at the top of the display, four pixels show. I believe I should get numbers up to 400, but I hope that that isn't something I find by experimentation.