And I didn't even THINK of it as Diabetes Awareness Month.
At the moment I'm on the last of my infusion sets on the pump. I used my last few sure-Ts in double time; I wore them the regular way and then shaved another area, put alcohol on it, put medical tape on it, took the sure T needle out of me and then put it back in through the medical tape, and then taped it on and wore it another 2-3 days. Worked beautifully!
I'm not exactly thrilled by the sum of money Dexcom charged my insurance for the current round of sensors. $800 per box. Seems like almost yesterday I was buying my own sensors at $289 per box (with 7+ and no insurance coverage). And I remember posting at some time around then Dexcom's financial statement, showing that manufacturing costs were less than half the cost of Dexcom, but that administrative costs were roughly equal to it, so that at that time, Dexcom was pretty deeply in debt. So I guess they need to charge more (or really reduce unnecessary costs) but youch! It really makes me not want to order sensors.
After about a month of average insulin per day being 23 units, all of a sudden I started going way high so I'm on the fourth day in a row of over 40 units per day. Don't know why! Weight is still around 46 kilograms (maybe up to 47?)